April 26, 2024

About Us

USA Self Defense Centers is your online hub for all things related home security and defense. From home alarm system reviews to lethal and non-lethal weapon usage, we cover all aspects of combat when it comes to defending your home, We also cover defense when traveling (driving, vacationing, hiking, etc).

We also tend to focus on non-lethal/less-lethal solutions when it comes to projectile weapons. This is not out of preference, but rather that there simply already exists countless great sources for lethal firearm instruction. Therefore, we focus heavily on pepperball guns/launchers, pepper sprays, tasers and of course, security alarm systems.

Our heavy focus on home security alarm systems stems from our belief in prevention. While it’s important to be prepared for any threat, it’s best to avoid the confrontation altogether.

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Even if no actual fighting occurs . . . the outcome rests on the assumption that if it came to fighting, the enemy would be destroyed.”
― Carl von Clausewitz, On War